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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

dReaM of the dAy...

Alhamdulilah nikmatnye cuti CNY ni even 1 mgu...
tp cuti ni mSti lgi nikmat lau duit penuh dlm poket...
btw aku ttp bersyukur atas kesempatan yg d'brikn...
umm...dlm cuti ni otak aku asyik duk pikiq psal nk buat apa dgn dUit elaUn yg bkal akU terima...
mcm2 bNda aKu nk bli tp 1 pn bKan keperluAn....
ni seMua bnda yG aku rs nk bli:

the 1 st one watch the 2nd is Nokia C6

the 3rd one is car..

tHose Are the mOst Wanted items i want...hopefully the wisH wIll Come tRuE...

* so kwn2 apa kowg pnya plan tuk abiskn duit kowg????